
Subnautica console commands curing infection
Subnautica console commands curing infection

Whether you need to go to a specific biome or a specific alien base, this is where you’ll want to look. These debug/console commands will take you to specified areas of the map. daynightspeed : Tweak length of day and night.cinematics: Enables/disables player animation.farplane : Toggle in-game view distance.freecam: Use in-game camera without restrictions.

subnautica console commands curing infection

  • speed : Allows player to increase/decrease game speed.
  • sizeref: Generates the referential Wasabi One diver.
  • printbiome: Displays current biome name.
  • noshadows: Disables shadows (must restart).
  • nobloom: Disables bloom effect (must restart).
  • fps: Displays current frames per second.
  • The following console commands deal with specific in-game graphical or technical settings, such as increasing/decreasing FPS or freely moving the camera.
  • Survival: Hunger and thirst meters activated.
  • Freedom: Survival mode sans hunger and thirst.
  • To change the game mode you’re currently playing to that of another game mode, enter the following console commands:
  • unlockdoors: Opens Aurora and Alien doors.
  • unlockall: Gives access to all blueprints.
  • unlock: Gives access to specific blueprints.
  • vfx cyclopssmokeeffect (value): Creates smoke on Cyclops.
  • nitrogen: Allows for longer time underwater.
  • nosurvival: Disables survival mechanics.
  • nocost: Lets players use tools such as fabricator without materials cost.
  • filterfast: Makes Water Filtration work faster.
  • invisible: Makes player invisible to fish and creatures.
  • resourcesfor : Gives specified crafting items.
  • bobthebuilder: Puts building tools in inventory allows for fastbuild, fastgrow, fasthatch, radiation, nocost, and unlockall.
  • toolsloot: Generates tools such as seaglide and repair tool.
  • spawnloot: Generates loot in form of copper, quartz, etc.
  • exosuitupgrades: Gives Prawnsuit upgrades.
  • seamothupgrades: Gives Seamoth upgrades.
  • cyclopsupgrades: Gives Cyclops upgrades.
  • vehicleupgrades: Player acquires all vehicle upgrades.
  • filtersalt: Water Filtration creates salt.
  • filterwater: Water Filtration creates water.
  • sub escapepod: Spawns Lifepod 5 in safe shallows.
  • subnautica console commands curing infection

    infect : IOnfects player with a specific stage of Kharaa virus.clearinventory: Removes all items currently in inventory.item : Puts any item in player’s inventory find item list here.These debug options will do everything from give you infinite crafting materials to spawning certain in-game vehicles and curing you of disease. forcerocketready: Primes end-game rocket.infectionreveal: Plays Kharaa infection animation.playsunbeamfx: Plays part of the precursor Sunbeam section.precursorgunaim: Begins third part of Sunbeam story.sunbeamcountdownstart: Begins second part of Sunbeam story.startsunbeamstoryevent: Warps to Sunbeam story section.countdownship: Begins Aurora self-destruct timer.

    Subnautica console commands curing infection